I start most video projects with this basic idea; who is the viewer and how can we make this interesting for them. That sounds basic, but it’s important – throwing some crazy ideas around means you can end up with something meaningful, impactful. There is so much boring video content out there, let’s have something engaging, that’s my way of looking at it. Let’s make them laugh, make them cry, then they’ll buy (I’ve literally just made that up).
“You nailed it. It looks great and has just the feel that
we were hoping for. I showed it to Gerard, Ciaran and
Rose this morning and they were very happy with it.” -

“Paul has given us something totally different. He has captured what the soul of the pottery is. What he has given is a true picture of the heart and soul of what we do here.”

“Paul, the pictures are wonderful! Some even amazing!
You are so talented.”

“The photos from Wainfest were fantastic”

“Paul, you’ve really excelled yourself this time”

“That’s a beautiful piece of work, it really shows what they are about”
